Friday, February 6


ok..cmner aku nk mule ek..

em make it short..somenone already give me antique name (i guess) for my DSLR..

officially...her name now is "Saloma"....tq2..

thanks to saloma...i even dun know if her real name is saloma..
by the way this is her blog...

p/s : em miss saloma..i already promote ur blog..can i get anything from paris plss...


s a L o m a said...

ahahahha..comel nye saloma kamu.macam saya lah!

hi saloma junior!

nanti saya cari apa2 lah kat paris bagi kamu ok.. :D

Q said...

owh..ok2! waa! ole2 from paris!

nadia.H said...

hekele..gile gedix kamu ini
camera pn nk name kn ke?